Basting the quilt

I’ve been trying to find the best way to baste a quilt – preferably using spray glue. I’ve come to the conclusion that whenever a new product appears on the market (basting glue, frixon pens) the naysayers come out and loudly proclaim that ‘we don’t know how this will affect our quilts in the long run!’. To that I say, I have no idea how long my quilts will be around and I’d really like to use these labor saving tools.

There are so many wonderful tutorials on youtube, time to do my research. First of all, starch both front and back – with real starch, not sizing or replacement product.P1050286The starch fills in the spaces between the fibers, sounds good to me. I also, ironed the batting, since there are creases and folds.P1050298Here they are, ironed, firm and ready to go.P1050296

I’ve tried different methods of spray gluing. My first big mistake, working on the floor! That is just too back-braking, I have a large yard, I have folding tables – why was I making  my life difficult?

One method that I have been reading about is using two boards to hold the fabric. When we moved into our house I was a little upset at all the garbage leftover in the garage. But now I discover the perfect 3×1 boards and I’m happy.P1050302It’s a little hard to see, but I’ve rolled the top and bottom on the boards, I gradually unroll and spray the batting in in small segments.P1050303And it’s done, maybe two hours tops, for the ironing, the rolling and the gluing and no aching back! I’m sold. Now on to the actual quilting.


One thought on “Basting the quilt”

  1. I am sooo jealous over your tables! I just basted a quilt this past weekend and I have to do it on my kitchen floor. Today my back is killing me!

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