Knitting with beads

I like it when a girlfriend is very specific about what she wants for her birthday. In this case,   a turquoise shawl. Of course I wouldn’t make the same pattern twice – too boring. But this time, for a change, I’d also include beadsNew Vintage Lace

Interweave puts out very good magazines and books,  I was able to look a the projects On Ravlery before buying and I liked what I saw. The shawl I chose is called Purple Shawl, because it was made in purple. So I guess mine should be called: Turquoise Shawl.IMG_2376I gathered the yarn, beads and tiny crochet hook. (it is used to add the beads during knitting). This time everything is from my stash – even better!P1020333Stitch markers in place between the pattern repeats, makes lace knitting so much easier.P1020336Beads are small and unobtrusive – but they do add sparkle. I made the stitch marker using my jewelry tools and techniques, I need to make some more. This yarn is tonal, although I started with it, I didn’t have enough for the whole project, so I frogged and started over. But this is such a pretty picture, I had to include it.P1020432People tell me they are amazed at my knitting, I must be an expert. I do consider myself one, but here’s the thing. There are always mistakes and mishaps, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to knit a whole project with out some tinkling (knitting back a few stitches) or frogging (ripping out a few rows – ribbit – ribbit).

That is what is happening here. I along with all good knitters have learned – you are better off correcting your mistakes when you find them, because if you don’t, the mistake will always haunt you, even if you are the only one aware of it. In this case, it was a big mistake in the pattern, I simply was on autopilot and didn’t pay attention to the fact that the pattern had changed a few rows back.P1020520Blocking is a very important part of knitting, especially with lace. There are wonderful tools that make things easier, like these foam blocks and wires. I clearly need another set of blocks, the shawl isn’t as symmetrical as it should be. Luckily it will be fine when worn.P1020526Finished and looking very pretty against the brick wall. P1020528Even prettier on the dress form. The beads run along the center spine of the diamonds. You don’t really see them, but in reality they add some lovely sparkle.P1020530I love looking at close-ups of lace.P1020531The shape is such that this sits well on the shoulders and doesn’t slip off.P1020532Another option is to use a shawl pin.

That’s it, done. The birthday is still months off, I like to be well prepared. This was made out of sock weight yarn. Many shawls today are designed using this yarn. It is very pretty and easier than the lighter, thinner lace weight yarns. But I’m hankering to knit a finer shawl, most of the patterns in the book use lace weight. I haven’t chosen the pattern yet, but very soon there will be another shawl on the needles – this time for me.



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