LAMQG Block of the month 2015

In January the modern quilt guild announced a BOM (block of the month), Every month a different member would design a block. They would make the block in pre chosen fabrics. At the end of the year, a quilt will be assembled and donated. Of course we are all encouraged to quilt along on our own.P1060733I had bought and won some fat quarter bundles of Birch Organics. So I decided I would play along using this palate. This is very unusual for me, I never work with one line, I’m whats’ known as a scrappy quilter – I put together all kinds of fabrics as I please. So just working from a line of prints puts me out of my comfort zone.IMG_2949Liz designed January’s  block, you can see the fabric the guild chose for the project.  I cut an assembled my first block.IMG_2955I thought that each month I’d add a new block and end up with a sampler quilt. Problem was, I didn’t like some of the blocks that were presented. This block pattern took off like gangbusters, Liz sold it to non LAMQG members and people started posting their tops on Instagram. I changed course and decided to only use this block.P1080800I also used solids for the rings and the prints for the background. Love how it came out.IMG_3275Onto the quilting. I have noticed that there are piecers and quilters. Some people love to make tops, but not that interested in the actual quilting. Or they really like straight line quilting. Others love the quilting itself, they often will get into the business of quilting for others and they really develop their own unique quilting style.

I like to quilt my own quilts. I am trying to get better at FMQ (free motion quilting), the only way to get better is practice. What better way to practice then on a full size quilt. Doing the fancy quilitng on the print fabric hides all sins, while allowing me to really practice.P1080812I’m working on circular feathers, as you can see from the back, my practice is paying off. This is one of the laters circles I quilted.P1080841I really feel good about the feather on the border, I love when practice leads to better results. Hope to finish this soon and show you the completed quilt.

Linked at Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday


May birthday exchange

I am really enjoying being part of an Instagram exchange. It’s fun reading what the person likes and trying to make something appropriate. Luckily we are all creative and anything we make is appreciated.

It is also fun to combine my different skills in one project. I made an IPad mini holder.P1080729Starting with embroidery,  using Hollie’s favorite color green and a needle minder that I got from Raquel.  I follow a wonderful embroider blog Mary Corbet’s Needle n’ Thread.  Mary is a very serious needlewoman. I love embroidery for small projects, I find her to be an amazing inspiration.  So I bought her ebook Stitch Sampler Alphabet and boy have I been having fun. This one letter H has so many stitch varieties.P1080732This time I even used similar colors to what was called for, simply because they work very well with my theme.  P1080731Hand work is so satisfying.  Of course I knit a lot, but creating beauty with a needle and some colored thread is so very satisfying.P1080739I used some of my own greens as well as some of the charm pack I got in our goodie bag at Quiltcon.  Inserted a zipper, so this can be opened all the way, or only part way to put the iPad mini in.P1080743Fun jungle fabric as lining as well as a very pretty stone bead as a zipper pull.P1080742Finished project.P1080744Another small item. I found the instructions online.  A little pouch for tea bags.  Of course I had to use some fox fabric, this exchange is called, crazy like fox.  There are some tea bags inside.P1080747Side by side.

I have more items to include but that is for another post.

The gift box arrived.

What is even better is the reception the sock monkey got, that is what I call a great thank you.


Project bag

A friend is having a birthday, she loves my work. She is a quilter and crocheter, so a quilted bag that can hold a work project will make the perfect gift.

There are many patterns out there, but I decided to just wing it, make something from an idea in my head.P1080251Using some patriotic fabric, which I know she’ll like, I quilted the body of the bag,  using soft and stable.  I love that product.P1080250I wanted a band of pockets around the edge. I liked the idea of making them roomier by gathering the fabric. It needs to be flexible along the top edge, otherwise it defeats the purpose. I hit on the idea of using fold over elastic, a product I’m seeing a lot of lately.P1080254It works! P1080255Add some handles and we’re good to go.P1080256Don’t forget the label!P1080262Put buttons to good use.P1080260Voila! Looks like it can hold a project and tools with room to spare.


Ryan’s quilt, finished.

While at Quiltcon I bought some fusible web – good for appliqué, not something I do a lot of, but I bought it anyway. Why? Because the saleswoman was very very good. She mentioned tearing it up and using it to baste a quilt together rather than use spray glue.P1070533I didn’t take pictures of the basting. Basically I set up the tables outside, got an outdoor extension cord and went section by section with my iron, first attaching the front, then the back to the batting. P1070541Then I started quilting, sort of in the ditch with the stars and some creative dot – to -dot, ala Angela Walters in the grey background.  The idea was to have bold geometrics that didn’t mimic the stars but sort of reinforced them.  I need a lot more practice before my quilting gets even and smooth, but I’m the only one who sees that. No one else is looking that closely at my stitches.

Will I use this method to baste again? No. Even when glue basting, there is leeway when actually quilting,  so if it feels like the fabric really wants to pucker – there are ways to stretch it out, even on the machine. The same isn’t true with the appliqué webbing, even though I tore it into small pieces, once it adhered to the batting – it wasn’t moving. So yes, there were some puckers .  I”m not pointing them out, I quilted over them, the end result is not show worthy but it is beautiful.P1070540The quilting is done, you can just see a corner of the backing. I bought a grey on grey chevron fabric. Usually I do some piecing on the back, not this time.P1070545Bound it in red, just to tie it all together.P1070550The freeform layout of the stars and background fabric was a little hard for me. I like paper piecing for a reason – it gives great control and accuracy. This layout is just willy nilly. But I stuck with it and am glad I did. This is what makes it so dynamic.P1070548I love how the grey is distributed, there is some planning, but it’s not rigid.

Of course I made a label and signed it, and then immediately sent the quilt off with out taking any pictures of the back.  The quilt has arrived safely and Ryan demanded to use it immediately.11070077_10204535236475494_9126087286426158380_o

This is a real departure for me, in style and color, I will be revisiting this style, but for a short while, I want a break from quilts.


Ryan’s quilt

I have been working at a furious pace on this quilt. I really feel I need to get this to Ryan as soon as possible. Life is hard for him now and a warm loving quilt can really brighten the day.P1070474My theme is 12″ and 6″ paper pieced stars. Every star will have red, his wife says that is his favorite color. I’m using mostly solids but a few prints just for the pop. The background is different grey.P1070479Some people have a design wall. An area covered with flannel where they can stick up the squares and figure out the design. I have a design floor, I don’t have the wall space. Also,  quilts are usually on a bed, or a sofa, so viewing the layout on the floor makes sense to me.

I think the Gee’s Bend quilters at Quiltcon had an effect on me. Yes, I go for order, for well pieced blocks. I’m not much for improvisation.  You can see as I started adding the sashing between the blocks – it is pretty symmetrical.P1070530Well that didn’t last long did it?  I’m still trying to spread the different values of grey evenly, but no more symmetry. Yes, it’s all rectangular, but the size of the sashing is simply to fill in blank spaces. Which is why when I got to the border, I had to piece different colors together and I just let the grey fall where it would.  Not upset at all, it is very liberating to not follow a grid.P1070533I have tried a new basting method, but that is for another post.

linked at WIP Wednesday



Another project I started a while ago that I can finally share.

My friend Mandy is having a daughter in a month, she and her husband already chose the beautiful name Violet.  You know what that means as far as my quilt goes.P1060500I don’t have a lot of purple fabrics, which means off to the store I went. notice the stripped fabric, I did have that in my stash. I cut the half-square triangles on my wonderful GO, which of course made the project a breeze.P1060561There are different ways of achieving this chevron.  Sorry, the color here is a little too blue.P1060710Front.P1060715Back, notice how blurry the stripes get on camera. Which is why you will never see a stripped shirt on TV – it’s crazy making. I do like how  quilting shows up nicely on the back.P1060707On the front, straight lines for the print chevron, fmq for the solid color.P1060718Side view.P1070207Of course, there is a label, with room for Mandy and Pat to put in the actual birth date.IMG_3066At the shower, opening the gift, yes, Mandy was thrilled.IMG_3065I love it when a quilt is well received, not hard when you are giving something for another crafty person.  Hope to get a picture of Violet on this quilt at some time soon.


Still crafting

With all my posts about Austin, you’d think this has become a travel blog. Well I’m not done with Austin, but I have jumped back into my crafting as well, so here we go.

A good friend, Ryan is dealing with a brain tumor, the stress it puts on both him and his wife are unbelievable. They are in Chicago, so yes, I can pray and send money to Ryan’s Road to Recovery. But I can’t go over and help out or even bring a dinner. So I do the next best thing I can – make a quilt.P1070394I have no idea what the final quilt will look like, I’m using grey for the background, reds, blues, greens, orange, masculine colors and paper pieced stars.P1070396I love the process of paper piecing, little by little an image appears.P1070398First block done!

Of course there has to be something on the needles, I started a sock on the flight to Austin, got to the heel and messed it up. When I got home a friend had linked to Dalekanium, so I ripped out the sock and started over.IMG_3051The stretched stitches add a certain oomph!10988491_10153624572602729_4322061050369365998_oAnd finally, no I didn’t spin this yarn, a friend did and it’s on it’s way to me right now!!!  Spinning is one craft I have no interest in, but boy do I love handspan yarn. And these colors are completely me!

And now, back to images from Austin.



It’s my Birthday

Sure, I’m a year older, but when life is good, birthdays are a wonderful thing.  Not to mention that my FB feed is full of wishes.  I tend to stretch out birthdays, so Sunday is a family celebration and in two weeks (logistics) I have a birthday with my girlfriends. We’ve been doing this for years now. Oh and gifts are rolling in from my Instagram birthday exchange.

So enough about that, let’s talk art, quilt art in particular.  Man-Made at the Folk Art museum on the miracle mile is well worth a visit.P1070158Putting myself into Luke Haynes quilt.

Although some of the publicity was all about men and gender, really it was just an excellent quilt show. A few of the artists got into their personal: I’m gay – woe is me. Most didn’t, most are simply good artists who are using the quilt as their medium. P1070161Another good thing was that I went with my son in law, Yochanan.  Can I say how amazing it is to have a son in law who loves the same crafty things as I do???  Don’t get me wrong, I love both my daughters in law and have a lot in common with them as well, but my crafts are a huge part of my life. It’s nice that Yoch does more than just appreciate them, he participates as well.P1070159Love the bright colors here, what makes this quilt (and the one above) so exciting for me is that it is made from heavy metal tee shirts. In general, I hate tee shirt quilts. I know, they are full of memories but they are also simply squares of tee shirts patched up on a quilt. Ben Venom understands that quilting is about taking the materials and making them work the way you want, not simply as patches.  So yes, I think these two were my favorites.

P1070162Oh, of course this is also a favorite. Joe Cunningham riffing on Robert Rauschenberg,  he took wonderful old quilts that are pieces of artwork in themselves and threw paint of them, thereby making ‘art’.  And here we have real art that doesn’t need to destroy the work of others.  Also, if you are cold, you can always wrap yourself up in this – unlike a painting.


Quiltcon in Austin

Wow! Just got back from 4 amazing days in Austin.  It would have been nice to see more of the city but I was so busy at Quiltcon 2015.  I actually didn’t take a lot of pictures, I was busy taking classes, seeing the quilts shopping and most importantly meeting modern quilters from all over the world.IMG_304043 members of the LAMQG, were there, I saw most of them but not all. I went with my friend Becky. We met years ago at a political rally and bonded instantly. Since then we’ve become great friends and we share a love a quilting. So we roomed together, enjoyed some activities together and others on our own.IMG_3030One of the quilts at the show, love the colors! As I mentioned, didn’t take a lot of pictures, it certainly was sensory overload.IMG_3017Prepping for the class Paperless paper piecing. Turns out I was sitting across from Mary, I follow her on instagram – but we only figured that out later. One of the best things about this show was how much people wanted to meet one another – usually because we follow each other on social media – so actually meeting the person is so much fun.P1070386This goody bag was full to the gills with great stuff, charm packs, magazines, tools, can’t wait to start using them. A week before the show people started posting that they’d be trading button, I was late to the game (next year I’ll plan ahead). Even if you didn’t have a button to trade, people were thrilled to hand out theirs. It made it easier to meet people that way, not that I have any problem going up to people and talking, yeah I’m a little horse this morning.IMG_3032This is one of two quilts by Luke Haynes, a quilt artist who believes that no matter what, quilts should be used to keep you warm. He has spoken at LAMQG, he has quilts in a number of shows around town as well.IMG_3038Here he is. My SIL Yoch really wants to meet him, so the least I could do was meet him myself.IMG_3019I had the pleasure of meeting Michele Tucker, the brains behind this incredible bag – the sew together bag. Mine in the one with the hexies, two other classmates had made them as well. There were a lot of these bags at Quiltcon.

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#quiltcon2015 Moda Party #mohawk

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Yes, quilters party hard, we took over a large club, open bar, talked, laughed, some people danced. No wonder I’m so tired.

The Keynote speakers were amazing women from Gee’s Bend quitters. Incredible women. Part of their talk was singing, beautiful gospel.

Becky said, what an incredible place, from Tattoos to gospel. Yes, there were many many of the quilters getting tattoos.

IMG_3043Signs for Quiltcon were hanging all over town, and yes, people came in droves to see the show.

11016822_10153124625549257_8793585847535701765_n.jpgOn Sunday, before flying home I met with two very good friends. We had never met before in real life. We belong to a small group of knitters on FB. Here are the two Sarahs, even better than our online conversations. Of course I bought yarn.

Don’t know what a Meek is, I meant to write meal, why does spellcheck never work when you need it?

More images of Austin in a future post.


Clamshell finished, Field of Flowers

IMG_2980I have really enjoyed sewing all these clamshells together. The instructions were very good, after a while I was able to sew without any pins.P1070219My Field of Flowers is done.  I went row by row placing the clamshells, I know there are people who simply add them willy nilly and the end result is great. I needed a more controlled placement.  Here is the quilt before I squared it off.P1070228For the back I used my least favorite of the fabrics in the quilt, I want to be able to use my favorite fabrics in other projects.  The binding was also made of leftovers.  Btw, this little owl pincushion holds my hand sewing needles. When when one has a lot of pin cushions…P1070231Done! I did a combination of walking foot and FMQ. Yes, it’s crazy, most people will never see it. I did the walking foot on my Babylock because I wanted a wavy stitch. I DO NOT like this Babylock anymore and one of these days will trade it in. It worked ok, but nothing like the JUKI.  I used the Juki for a handful of clamshells that I free motioned.P1070233P1070232In these two examples, if you look closely you can see the difference. Yes, I look closely at these things, I have other friends who will appreciate this as well.P1070237The back looks like this because I was using up fabric and piecing it to fit, no other reason.P1070236And here is my little label. I also need to embroider a nicer label, but this is a start. Now to wash it and put it out in the living room, another quilt for someone to cuddle with.  I think Shira will really like this.
