Percy and Herb

I have a fondness for creating toys, three dimensional objects, whether I knit or sew them.

I’ve been knitting woodland creatures lately, but for the table decorations, looks like I needed something space related, or at least something aeronautical.

Enter Percy and Herb designed by Melly and Me, a wonderful Australian designer of toys and adorable fabric.P1140194I started with Percy, the airplane. Adorable isn’t he? P1140258Notice I am using a space theme fabric for the backdrop. P1140260Then we have Herb, the helicopter. P1140263Only difference between the two of them is the details. Exact same body, one has wheels and wings, the other propellers and rotors.P1140267Here the two cuties are side by side.P1140264Aytan already tried to claim them, we’ll see after the baby luncheon he and Shira might get these two. One thing I know is that I will be making more patterns by Melly. Most are animals, maybe I should suggest she design some more vehicles, boys sure love their cars, trucks and airplanes.


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