My version of Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress.

All done, this was a fun project.Diane Von Furstenberg style wrap dressI had a lot of fun making this dress. I did make a few changes.  I modified the top so it wouldn’t have any pleats. I did make a ‘muslim’ out of leftover knit fabric, it worked out fine. My pictures – no so much which is why I didn’t include one here.

Have I mentioned how much I love my serger?  I have a Juki MO-655, it is a 5 thread, which means when I am sewing woven fabrics, and I know exactly what I’m doing (like a simple skirt) I can sew the seam and finished edge at one time on the serger.Juki serger, 5 thread MO-655P1010900Here I am using the 4 thread option, which simply reinforces the served edge with another row of stitches. It is stronger than the 3 thread version. It’s the light blue thread, I was too lazy to change the color. One draw back of this machine is that I have to thread the needle on my own. Not easy! Juki now has the air threading mechanism as well – my next serger.

This fabric was interesting to work with, it is a knit, but because of the vinyl polka dots – it doesn’t have a lot of give. It also has a lot more body – and can hold it’s own nicely. Word of advice! Because of the polka dots, I ironed this on the wool setting and always used a press cloth. In my case, it’s a piece of silk organza. Those dots would melt otherwise. Also, when pinning the pieces together, those dots got in the way, pins didn’t want to go through them.  So the serger was perfect, I did some top stitching on the sewing machine. One again, because of the dots the inner facing didn’t want to lie flat. Not sure DVF has top stitching on her dresses, but hey, this is a knock-off, it has to work for me. back view dressLooking cute from the back.P1010948I did put a snap where the V meets, I like the extra assurance that it won’t gape open as I go about my day.

The necklace is a perfect match, I made it a few years ago, out of a mixture of beads I had around. Couldn’t find a more perfect fit.

So now I have my own DVF wrap dress, one like no other, unless she decides to use this fabric as well.


2 thoughts on “My version of Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress.”

  1. If I could find that fabric I would seriously try to copy you! 🙂 This dress is really really cute and I love how you styled it. Where did you get those rad sunglasses?

    1. I know, those sunglasses are special, I probably bought them a few years ago at Loehmanns (sadly defunct now). As for the fabric, keep digging around LA, at Mood, or the garment district downtown – you never know what you’ll find. Btw, DVF has samples with very simple knits and very sophisticated ones. Until I saw her show I had no idea what to do with that fabric.

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