Chihuly Glass

Dale Chihuly is the superstar of the Art Glass world. His creations are known the world over.  His exuberant use of color and massive amounts of glass pieces in each installation have become his signature style.

Chihuly in Seattle
Chihuly in Seattle

I have had the pleasure of seeing his installations in Jerusalem, Las Vegas and of course Tacoma WA.  I’ve see individual pieces for sale at many a gallery and pictures of his work are everywhere.  I get the sense that the art world doesn’t want to take him to seriously – because he is so successful, but every glass artist who does get their work into museums, must acknowledge that he is a trail blazer. P1030615This is probably one of my favorites, it is indoors, the darkness around just makes the spheres sing. As well as the mirror imaging.  What can I say color makes me happy.P1030614I love watching glass blowers. Glass is an incredible material, even in it’s finished state it is still somewhat liquid, well that is what physicists tell me.  I can explain how the swirls and twirls are made, I have no idea how they create the spheres.P1030612Bright intense color just makes me happy.P1030624Seattle’s Space Needle in the background just makes the image better.P1030625My understanding is that making these colored chunks is a lot more difficult than you’d think.P1030628The size of this tree is mind boggling. There must be thousands of cones here.P1030637As every quilter knows, if you want your creation to sparkle, you need a lot of contrasting colors in the composition.P1030642Or if working with blue, you just need every shade and tint.

For a man who lost an eye in a motorcycle accident many years ago – he never lost his love of color or of the incredible material – glass.  Lucky for us, his creations are all over for us to enjoy.


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