Cleaning up the mess

I guess it’s fair to say that my preferred style of quilts is – scrappy. I’m uncomfortable with the idea of using one line of fabrics in one quilt. It seems so boring – of course all the fabrics will match, but that is part of the problem – all of the fabrics will match.

I love the vibrancy and sparkle one gets when combining fabrics that never should go together. Prime example is the Hexie quilt I am working on now.  I went back to look at other quilts I’ve made and what a surprise, look what I found.P1030820This quilt lives in my guest room. It is made up entirely of scraps, either leftovers from quilting projects or from my garment sewing. I think I bought one new fabric and promptly made a skirt before using the fabric in the quilt.P1030818I did pay special attention to the placements of the reds and the blues, although there were cases with some fabrics that they ended up on both sides.P1030827Then there was this baby quilt that lives at my house. Mostly scraps, even the background blocks are made up of low volume  remnants.

Which is why when I am working on a quilt the floor tends to look like this.P1030802Not very conducive when I’m looking for a specific color family. Yes, I have been known to buy fabrics for a quilt and then ‘forget’ to use one of them because it got lost in this mess.

My storage system really isn’t much better.P1030808I have about 3 bins and yes, this is what they look like.

Thank God for quilting blogs and podcasts, I have been hearing about Folding Fabric with a ruler, this is one of the many tutorials.

Since I already have the mess, why not start the folding as I cut the hexies. Then I will place them neatly in the boxes. P1030816Looking good!P1030792

Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge. Of course for me this will be a slow process as I work on my quilt. You don’t expect me to stop and clean everything up before I continue do you?!


2 thoughts on “Cleaning up the mess”

  1. This really made me laugh! I’m exactly the same – hate co-ordinating fabric lines together because I like to decide for myself which fabrics will look good and get the effect I’m after. I’ve just made a scrappy string quilt and was lamenting my own scrap storage ‘situation’ – which looks VERY similar to yours: the ‘shove it in a basket and think about it later’ approach to organising! Im off to check out that link for folding with a ruler now 😀 (PS love the quilt in your spare room.)

    1. I love your string quilt, with the pop of red. After I finished the guest bedroom quilt I gave my SIL (yay, he’s also a quilter) a bunch of my scraps, it’s amazing how quickly scraps seem to reappear.

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