Hi, I’m Leah and I have been following blogs for years. Lately I’ve been sharing images all over the place and figured, it’s time to bite the bullet and just start a blog of my own. The name was easy, the phrase ‘Idle hands are the devils workshop’ applies to me, my hands are never idle and I hope I have kept the devil at bay.


I live in Los Angeles with my wonderful husband and am thrilled that all three grown sons live here as well. One with a wife and two kids – Yay! Grandkids, The other recently married and the third will be marrying his wonderful boyfriend soon. So yeah, I’m blessed.

What you can expect are a lot of fiber arts, these days I’m quilting, sewing and knitting, a lot! I also garden, do mosaics and embroider.
Currently I am a docent at USC PAM, a wonderful little museum  in Pasadena CA, that focuses on Asian art. I also am a walking tour docent in downtown Los Angeles. I also love exploring this vast city on foot with camera in hand.
So this blog will chronicle my creativity, my explorations and even a little bit of family.



