It’s my Birthday

Sure, I’m a year older, but when life is good, birthdays are a wonderful thing.  Not to mention that my FB feed is full of wishes.  I tend to stretch out birthdays, so Sunday is a family celebration and in two weeks (logistics) I have a birthday with my girlfriends. We’ve been doing this for years now. Oh and gifts are rolling in from my Instagram birthday exchange.

So enough about that, let’s talk art, quilt art in particular.  Man-Made at the Folk Art museum on the miracle mile is well worth a visit.P1070158Putting myself into Luke Haynes quilt.

Although some of the publicity was all about men and gender, really it was just an excellent quilt show. A few of the artists got into their personal: I’m gay – woe is me. Most didn’t, most are simply good artists who are using the quilt as their medium. P1070161Another good thing was that I went with my son in law, Yochanan.  Can I say how amazing it is to have a son in law who loves the same crafty things as I do???  Don’t get me wrong, I love both my daughters in law and have a lot in common with them as well, but my crafts are a huge part of my life. It’s nice that Yoch does more than just appreciate them, he participates as well.P1070159Love the bright colors here, what makes this quilt (and the one above) so exciting for me is that it is made from heavy metal tee shirts. In general, I hate tee shirt quilts. I know, they are full of memories but they are also simply squares of tee shirts patched up on a quilt. Ben Venom understands that quilting is about taking the materials and making them work the way you want, not simply as patches.  So yes, I think these two were my favorites.

P1070162Oh, of course this is also a favorite. Joe Cunningham riffing on Robert Rauschenberg,  he took wonderful old quilts that are pieces of artwork in themselves and threw paint of them, thereby making ‘art’.  And here we have real art that doesn’t need to destroy the work of others.  Also, if you are cold, you can always wrap yourself up in this – unlike a painting.


2 thoughts on “It’s my Birthday”

  1. well first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCIPESSA! i hope that last day of celebrating is as good as the first!

    i’ve been loving seeing peeks of the show quilts on IG. on the bloglovin preview it looks like you’re actually standing with people.

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