an awful weekend

Not on a personal level – for the Jewish people and any free loving people in the world – though that group seems to be shrinking.

First I heard that six more bodies were recovered in Rafah, that was all, then the news came out that Hersh was among the dead, along with other names that Israelis recognize but most Americans don’t. Jon and Rachel did a yeoman’s job letting the world know about Hersh.

This is what we have been feeling for 11 months. We weren’t allowed to mourn after Oct. 7. Iran made sure that pro Hamas rallies happened world wide on Oct 8. At the time they called them pro-palestinian – as if 1400 Palestinians had just been brutally murdered and over 240 taken hostage. It was only later that they became honest about being pro Hamas.

I have no faith in anyone but the Jews and our few friends in the world. World governments are awful, including the Biden Cabal – he has been eating ice cream on the beach for 3 weeks and yet all he can say is Netanyahu hasn’t done enough. I hope that Biden is suffering both mentally and physically with his decline. I have no love in my heart for evil people.

Meanwhile, Israel has supplied polio vaccinations for Gaza – so what, they still murder innocent civilians they never should have taken in the first place. But the world doesn’t care- this idea that we are a moral world is BS, these days, Israel is moral – that is about it.

This is what Rachel Goldberg had to say at her son Hersh’s funeral. All six were executed, bullets to the brain – when Hamas realized the IDF was closing in – more silence. I heard that a chapter of BLM condemned this brutality and they were told to shut up.

Xaviaer is amazing.

A friend handed me these cameos and silver spacers. Either her father bought them after WWII or maybe her grandfather. So I set to work to recreate a necklace out of them.

I wire wrapped some pearls as spacers. It is a little fiddly, I haven’t seen her yet to give it back. One thing it did was put me on a path to polish all my sliver – both household items and jewelry.

I’ve upgraded my fountain – which means the kids got to pet the cat.

Jackalope has the most amazing cacti still blooming!!!


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