Up in Big Bear

This is so true, and it’s not about large groups that ignored us. It’s about the individuals that kept silence. I’m tired of the saying – then they weren’t real friends. They were friends – they just failed miserably and in my case, they have moved to the category of former friends – it hurts, it’s sad – but that is life.

We are always the canary in the coal mine – we know it, some other people know it – most don’t and are shocked when their lives are disrupted – it’s not fair! Get used to it – it’s going to get much worse.

We spent a weekend up at Elk and Mandys’ Airbnb in Big Bear. of course, a picture with an owl.

Enjoying coffee at Mandys’ favorite coffee shop, Moonridge coffee. I am knitting, Joel is enjoying the company of a bear. We met some nice people who warned us about a car show in the village – more on that later – parking was a bear!

This house still has the same owners as 4 years ago, when we came and took the boat trip. They have updated the sign.

The kids were quite well behaved on the trip. an hour and a half is a long time. here is the small observatory looking like a robot. The captain-tour guide mumbled the whole time! All the celebrities he mentioned are dead – no celebrity owns property here anymore. The one fun thing was that Mel Blancs’ son, Noel, inherited the house and the voice. So when the boat goes by he comes out on his porch with a megaphone and regales us with the voices his father and then he did.

Plenty of bears in Big Bear.

We went to the Discovery center – they were celebrating Smokeys’ 80th birthday. They do need to change the slogan ‘ Only you can prevent forest fires’ doesn’t make sense – sure, we can prevent man made fires – but many are natural and actually part of the eco-system. Oh well, Charities and campaigns never die – they just reinvent themselves.

First, making a bird feeder out of a large pinecone with peanut butter and seeds – it went into the backyard up at the house. Then panning for gold, I mean pyrite.

We had dinner and dancing at the western restaurant Wyatts – since the weather was gorgeous, everyone was outside.

There was corn hole, and no that cute kid isn’t Eyal.

Sure was cute!

I danced with Einav (no picture) Abba Yishai danced with her.

It is clear to see who is the better dancer.

Next post, cars


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