Went back and got pictures

This birthday was a few days ago. Not only does the world not care, but Josh Shapiro, gov. of PA renounced all kinds of things he said in the past and distanced himself from Judaism – in order to get the nomination. He didn’t get it of course, that doesn’t bother me – he’d be the court Jew – bending over backwards denouncing us at every turn.

I know, this is from the Babylon Bee, but they get right to the truth with their humor.

A week ago I went looking for a 1930s dress for Shira’s Bat Mitzvah party. Look at the beauty I found, along with a wonderful purse with a lucite clasp. Not great pictures, I’ll get better ones later.

Shira wants the Katherine Hepburn look. So we went back to Playclothes, the wonderful vintage store in Burbank. I didn’t get a picture of Shira in the outfit we found. It’s a white tuxedo like shirt and high waisted blue pants. She may add a vest, and I need to hem the pants

The store that houses Playclothes used to be a molding store – so the ceiling is rather incredible. that is just the bones of the place.

As much as possible they try to arrange things by era. they have a lot of 60s and newer, it’s getting harder to find the old stuff. so it is rather a miracle that the first dress I tried was the one I bought! It took Shira a few more tries.

There is a ton of wonderful costume jewelry as well.

I bought these two pairs of earrings for my outfit, we shall see which one I choose. The problem is they aren’t for pierced ears… I don’t want to lose one.

Hats of all kinds

Weird manikins that take you by surprise.

A cute couple!

great furniture.

A lot of dishes, I prefer to dig around Thrift shops for these, but when it comes to a specific vintage look, there is no place like Playclothes.

Went downtown with a friend to find some silk. the garment district is in very sad shape. It’s depressing. We found silk for her as well as I bought some new silk georgette. I use it for an ironing cloth. especially if I am ironing silk or my cross stitch. It is so strong and really prevents burns or staining. The only reason I need to replace my old piece (at least 12 years old) is that I had cut it by accident. So the piece on the left is the new one. I had to buy a whole yard, for $12, I have cut it in half, this might last 20 years…


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