
Images of 7 of the 12 Druze children murdered by a Hizbollah rocket on Saturday. The first thing Biden had to say was – don’t respond! I’m not even sure these are all Israeli citizens – since the Druze community in the Golan heights has the choice to stay Syrian or become Israeli – doesn’t matter, Israel will take responsibility for protecting people within its borders.

Meanwhile, I can no longer trust any of the major news outlets, they don’t report news – they editorialize. Some kids killed in the ‘occupied’ Golan – no mention of Hizbollah or that these are Druze. Not Jews, not Arabs, Druze – look it up.

Netanyahu gave an excellent speech before the Joint House session. Who wasn’t there? Kamla (which means withered in Hebrew – which is why I’m going with this spelling now). Her job as VP is to provide over this session – instead she met with some sorority sisters in the midwest. The destruction outside is horrible, but only 24 policemen were stationed there. They burned the American flag, not the Israeli one – in case you aren’t paying attention.

I am saving this image! because it is iconic, and the FBI tried to say that it wasn’t a bullet that hit Trump – so what killed and wounded the others? They do this so the Dems can have a talking point, also you can’t Google Trump shot – it goes nowhere.

palate cleanser, adorable grandkids

Cam built a bubble machine, it works, but the bubbles are very small.


Einav turned 5! Time is just flying by.

It took her a while to blow out the candles, Eyal was trying to help and was asked not to. Why he is holding a rock is beyond me – he wasn’t hitting anyone with it.

First thing in the morning, on her birthday she got a homemade cupcake.

At camp Eyal was supposed to get dressed up as a silly character, he thought that meant as an old man.

He achieved both, except his is so adorable and not looking old at all.


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