More chickens

It happened, 8 years of calling Trump Hilter and someone tried to take him out. Thank God, I mean – God for the miracle that he tilted his head at the right second. Also sort of grateful for this amazing image. I know, the Dems and media are trying to erase it from our memory – so don’t be surprised if I continue to share it from time to time.

For all those who say Trump staged the shooting. Why don’t you talk to the widow and orphans of Corey Comperatore? Heck, potted plant Biden could’t even say his name, which means it wasn’t spelled out for him on the teleprompter. Another man is fighting for his life and others are wounded, but not as seriously.

Anyone on the left paying attention? November is going to be very ugly – I expect Los Angeles to be burning – cuz that is what the left does. Also, no way a 20 year old misfit did this by himself – also erasing all signs of social media before hand. I have no idea who is behind this (Antifa? BLM?) but I don’t believe that Oswald was the planner of the Kennedy assassination either – it takes a lot of planning. but much easier for the media to make this go away if they say misfit lone wolf.

Lets get back to chickens, we had dinner here. They used to do deliveries in this car. No more deliveries – that is the job of door-dash these days.

I made my Kauai chicken, from a pattern called ’emotional support chicken’. hate that name, but it is a great pattern. didn’t buy from Ravelry, went straight to the source, The knitting Tree in Los Angeles.

I used leftover yarn, I am running out of leftover yarn.

Burt gave me this chicken, he doesn’t know he is getting one from me and Aytan, next time I go there.

Yup, I have a flock, no the yarn one doesn’t live outside.

I love his face

Also enjoying the fountain.


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