
Yesterday was the 4th of July. no pictures, busy living life. we got together with 35 of our close friends for a lovely bbq. Our hosts, Bunny and Tom, he is 92, she is 85, and with the help of all of us, they had an amazing party. I don’t dare call today, I think they are probably still sleeping! We ate, we talked, we sang patriotic songs.

Then on the way home, we drove up along Mullholland Dr. to see the Valley ablaze with ‘independent fireworks”. It was hard to drive , the narrow road was packed with cars and people standing there watching the lights flash and the boom-boom-boom! We were by far the oldest people there. The noise went on all night, it sounded like someone was using our street as a launching ground – around midnight. This morning the haze of smoke is laying low over the city.

Its been a while since I’ve shared the puzzles I’ve done, there may be repeats, I don’t know.

Julie and I share puzzles, she gave me this one, 299 dogs and a cat.

the puzzle went to the boys, and their dad said, no looking at the picture. They did it!

A few years ago a friend gave me this puzzle. Took a while for me to start it.

It is always easiest to start with the brightly colored areas.

and it’s done!

A fun one with national parks.

Not my usual 1000 piece, only 500, but something of a challenge.

I gave it to the boys, I think they are on a puzzle hiatus.

another one from Julie.

Yoch and Einav admiring a puzzle.

these kind of puzzles are OK, I enjoy the process, I sort of hate that it is a hodgepodge of images.

Unlike this one, that is from a real Dutch painting. I found this at a thrift store and was a little surprised – pleasantly of course- that there were no missing pieces.

I loved this because of the subject matter, it was challenging. but in a good way. Julie is working on this now, she did say that a challenge is good after simple puzzles.

The last piece to go in was an edge piece. I had some edge pieces in the wrong place, all that black!

My latest, a fun easy puzzle, it is so easy to look at the puzzle pieces and not exactly where they go. Unlike the NYC Library, where there were many many similar areas of the puzzle.

I’ve just heard of another Torah Minyan congregant who is into puzzles, I need to talk to her and see if she wants in on the puzzle rotation.


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