Anyone remember this little Bedouin girl? The one person seriously wounded in the Iranian Barrage of rockets almost two months ago. She woke up from her coma – this is what should be celebrated.

Yesterday was one of those days when the useful idiots were told to put up an image that said: all eyes on Gaza. It helped me know which people to remove from my IG feed. Of course the Jews and our supporters responded, but we are tiny – so the useful idiots probably won’t notice. Oh well, we soldier on.

Just like the initial hospital bombing turned out to be a miscalculation by Hamas, the 45 dead in Rafah are completely their doing. One of the ways of protecting the two evil terrorist masterminds was to have a huge munitions site right near by. Once again, get world sympathy by killing more Gazans. It worked, although the truth is now out there – truth is meaningless if you have to destroy the Jews.

Our friends Brooke and Tom invited us to their Church, Bel Air Presbyterian. Brooke headed a committee that created a pro Jewish, pro Israel event. In conjunction with Patricia Heatons’ new group O7C and Maman a Jewish organization, they had 10 days to put this event together.

My first time in this church. Sorry for the blue light, irl it is very nice, but that is all the camera captures.

Patricia came with her co-founder Elizabeth from Nashville to speak about how disappointed they were in the Christian community for being silent after Oct 7. So they started a grass roots organization. Their hope soon is to be on college campuses and support Hillel and the Jews on campus.

My pictures are pretty bad, but here they are. The girl on the left is a 14 year old survivor from Nir Oz, one of the kibbutzim. She, her mother and brother survived and she told her story. Her father did not, one of her cousins was kidnapped to Gaza – thankfully he was among the group returned in November.
The girl on the right survived the Nova festival and had a harrowing story to tell about running 7 km to safety. When she arrived home she found out that her brother, a soldier was killed trying to save the Kibbutz that the first girl was on.

An Israeli musician, living in Nashville. He left his wife and young baby there to go to fight in Israel for 4 months.
Amazing stories. For all the massive hate out there, it is the small points of light that will make the difference.
One thing I and other Jews are noticing is that for most useful idiots – its not about peace or fighting for anyones rights. Its all about antisemitism. for 70 years it wasn’t really allowed, but lets be honest – the world thrives on antisemitism. So once the cork blew -it is raging everywhere. our new normal.

The Canada geese are having babies and the Dads are vicious! So I give them a wide berth.

These ones are a few weeks older, so yeah, the parents are still with them, but not quite as protective.