Mothers Day

I have words, the Biden Cabal are evil and there is nothing Democratic about them. They want Hamas in place, the idea of Israel winning any war is too much for them. Heck, they don’t like Americans winning wars. Looks what they did in Afghanistan.

Cam celebrated his 8th birthday, and finally, he has front teeth again.

Mandy organized Mothers’ Day this year, it was lovely. We went to Paradise Cove Cafe, had a great brunch and a walk on the beach. Being May Gray – we never saw the sun.

Aytan is almost as tall as his dad. They forgot that beach on a May morning can be quite cold. so Aytan is wearing Joel’s jacket and Erez is wearing Joel’s car sweatshirt. Bought over 20 years ago when Erez was an oversea Student at the university of Bologna.

The kids had their own table – yay!

Lovely walk on the beach.


Grandsons, I know, Aytan isn’t in the pictures. On top of being a teenager, he is going through a very difficult stage right now.

Once again, thank you Mandy for organizing this.

We found driftwood and wonderful rocks

The brave ones, who walked into the water.

All in all, an absolutely wonderful morning.


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