Its’ actually been a few weeks, so back to regular programing.
The Jews aren’t being silent and being led away to gas chambers this time. Right after 10/7 hundreds of thousands of posters of the kidnapped were put up all over the world. That became the battle of the posters, tear down – put up. So now UCLA (thank you UC regents for siding with Hamas) has a massive tent city. My son and family went to the counter protest – flags, songs, support for Jews. Someone else got a better idea – force the idiots sitting there with their nail polish and bad slogan to watch what really happened on 10/7. Who knows, maybe someone walking by who thinks none of this has anything to do with them – will stand and watch – and realize how much evil there is in the world, and how it must be fought. Meanwhile, Columbia has been taken over, literally, buildings occupied.
A few months ago I bought extra genraniums to fill the pots. I used to have the stupid idea that is I water enough, the one plant would grow to fill the pot. Turned out that isn’t how it works, so this spring, my backdoor geraniums look lovely.
the wisteria at the park looks and smells lovely.
One of the local front yards has it’s CA poppies blooming. These are hybrids, cuz otherwise how does one get the yellow? Pretty with way.
Me getting my hair done by the best hairdressing crew around.
Had a wonderful Seder and Passover, with very few pictures. We had an empty chair for the hostages. There is another round of negotiations going on – don’t know if once again Hamas will say no. It is very painful. It is also very painful for the families of fallen soldiers to think that the war won’t be complete – That Hamas will survive in Rafah – that Joe Biden Cabal will once again for Israel to lose.
Westley participated in a project called lemonade stand – where he learned the basics of business. He is the only one out of 23 kids, who donated a share of his winnings to a charity called Mychals Learning Place, almost $200!
They were so impressed with his effort, they donated cookies to give out along with the lemonade. I love that my grandkids are learning very good life lessons.
A friend helping out.