
This has nothing to do with my family, a neighbors yard, I sure do like it!

This little girl is 3! She is wearing the dress I made her

, it fits perfectly, boy does she love to dance among the bubbles.

Blowing out the candle on her birthday cupcake. My son made the cupcakes! they were good. Oh and that little boy in the dark shirt

, according to my SIL, that is her ‘boyfriend’.

Great party, a fun backyard, a bubble machine, a gal painting faces and arms. Junk food and cupcakes – all perfect for a 3 year old.

Aytan got to go to sleep away camp! Camp Ramah has a wonderful program for special needs kids. Here he is on the first day

, he looks happy! Also, I like how slowly he is getting the hairdresser to make his hair yellow – still his favorite color.

A few days later and he has found a cute girl! Don’t know if she is a councilor or another camper – all I Know is that I am thrilled that finally he gets to enjoy a wonderful healthy normal childhood experience.

Also seen out walking. I don’t know why people are already pushing fall

, let me enjoy the summer first!


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