Gone all week

I know, I didn’t post at all last week. It was a hard week, between holidays and the awful recall election. I wasn’t in the mood. So anyone who wants to see what happens when the far left takes over a state – come to CA. 100 million dollars spent on negative ads about the recall. No one could actually name anything good the Newsom did. That is because, like any dictator – its’ about taking advantage for his and his cronies good while destroying the state. Oh and fraud, I know, we aren’t supposed to talk about fraud – but it’s been going on in CA for years and now it’s out in Federal elections. So I just go on, trying to ignore the huge encampments of vagrants that pop up all over my neighborhood, see how more and more businesses are closing or moving and praying that sanity will return one of these days.

On to better things.

Went to the zoo with two sets of grandkids, yup, she took my hat!

Cousins walking together, Westley loves helping out his younger cousins.

Group photo, We had Westley and Cam with us for the weekend. We even went to see the Paw Patrol movie, which was pretty good. Cam got a little scared, big screen, loud noises, but he rallied.

these uncles are real troopers! those guys are very heavy!

When their parents got back, it was fun in the pool!

The tomatoes and lemons are from my garden, the pomegranate, I picked at the temple, they have a little garden with a few fruit trees and chickens! More about the chickens next post. As for the lemons

, I made some really good lemonade with mint.


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