Cousins day

The boys spend a lot of time here, while their parents are renovating a vacation rental home in Big Bear. We started out prepping the garden for winter veggies, like carrots, onions, beans and radishes

These are for the beans and peas. We prepped the soil somewhat and added some mulch, then it’s time to water.

They also helped pump up our neighbors water. The lawn is looking ok, not great, there is something called fertilizer that would also help.

Playgrounds are open!!! Went to the park near Aytan and Shira, they played on the equipment and rode their scooters all around. Shira is quite the ring leader.

Saba jumped into the picture, funny placement of his hat. It looks like a growth on Shira’s arm.

Resting after a lot of running around.

Four generations.

Then they all got on the see-saw, we need video for this one.

In the afternoon the little ones came over, it took Einav a while to warm up to her cousins, Westley loves her!

Meanwhile, these two were throwing balls around the back yard.

Cam likes people to push him on the swing, I’ve started teaching him to pump himself, it’s working!!

A wonderful, very tiring weekend, ending with a stiff drink!! #blessed.


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